What if HOW you eat made as much difference as WHAT you eat to your IBS symptoms?
In this episode I'll cover some non-food tips for better digestion.
Find more information on IBS and digestive health on my website www.goodnessme-nutrition.com or watch more videos on Instagram @goodnessme_nutrition.
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Welcome to the Inside Knowledge for people with IBS, with me, Anna Mapson.
Speaker:When I started out as a nutritional therapist, I often spent time
Speaker:thinking about complex nutrition interventions, like studying textbooks,
Speaker:and really enjoyed learning and applying this nutrition science.
Speaker:Now, over six years later, I can see some of the most simple changes are
Speaker:sometimes the most effective when it comes to dealing with my client's IBS.
Speaker:What if how you eat has got as much impact on your symptoms as what you eat?
Speaker:In this episode of The Inside Knowledge, I'll be explaining why
Speaker:changing how you're eating can improve your digestive symptoms, sometimes
Speaker:even without changing your diet.
Speaker:Today's episode is all about mindful eating.
Speaker:And it doesn't matter if you haven't heard that term before, I'm going to
Speaker:explain to you a little bit about what I actually mean, and there's going to
Speaker:be some practical things in here which you can start implementing from today
Speaker:to really help you understand a bit more about how you eat, how it affects
Speaker:your digestion, and why this is a really important topic if you've got IBS.
Speaker:I'm sure you've all heard of the fight or flight response.
Speaker:That's when we're in a state of stress and high anxiety and it's our body's natural
Speaker:response to threat, to perceived threat.
Speaker:Now obviously in today's world we don't often face mortal danger,
Speaker:mortal peril, but what we do have is a lot of chronic stress.
Speaker:We have things coming at us all the time.
Speaker:Raising our blood pressure, raising our defences, and this is basically like
Speaker:natural response to, like I said, to danger, but the way your body deals with
Speaker:it is to get your body ready for fighting or for running away, which means that
Speaker:your skeletal muscles like your legs and your arms get a good flow of blood,
Speaker:your digestion doesn't, and I'm going to come on to that in a sec, but basically
Speaker:your Body is trying to get you ready for tackling the danger that could mean
Speaker:expanding your pupils so that you can see clearly, raising your heart rate a
Speaker:little bit, but what it's not going to do is prioritise digestion, prioritise
Speaker:breaking down your proteins effectively so you can properly absorb amino acids.
Speaker:So, We need to get into an eating state of mind.
Speaker:We need to make sure that our blood flow is going to the digestive system and that
Speaker:also we can help produce our stomach acid.
Speaker:So if you think about when you're in that fight or flight response mode,
Speaker:Your body will not be prioritizing the digestion, which means it's sending less
Speaker:blood flow to your gut, so there's not as much energy, basically, just being
Speaker:sent towards the digestive system, and that can slow down motility, and
Speaker:it can also affect the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
Speaker:It can actually, as well, speed up digestion, so if you're someone who
Speaker:experiences, high diarrhea, Predominance rather than constipation actually what
Speaker:happens is your body's trying to evacuate quickly in order to run So it's kind
Speaker:of like let's get rid of this stuff.
Speaker:We need to then be ready to run away some of the simple things that you
Speaker:can do to start addressing this even if your Experience of stress doesn't
Speaker:go away is to just help your body to get into a more parasympathetic mode.
Speaker:That's like the rest and digest, the calm state.
Speaker:And one of the ways we can influence that is through our breathing.
Speaker:And the way that that works is that when we're breathing out and slow, long out
Speaker:breaths, that helps to reassure your body, our bodies that we're in a good space.
Speaker:We're trying to get our bodies into eating mode here.
Speaker:This mindful eating is helpful.
Speaker:And it is helped by slow breathing, so just simple three breaths
Speaker:before you eat each meal can just help to kind of physically get
Speaker:you out of that stressed state.
Speaker:So where you feel like you're holding tension, you're like
Speaker:maybe holding your breath.
Speaker:breath a little bit with shallow breaths, just really doing some deep breathing.
Speaker:And if you feel like this is way too basic, way too simple, and this is
Speaker:not going to have any effect on your digestion, I just really encourage
Speaker:you to give it a go for one week.
Speaker:Just try taking three breaths, sitting at the table and trying to get into
Speaker:Digestion mode before you eat anything.
Speaker:Now you might have heard the phrase like, the first bite is with the eye, and that
Speaker:is all about like presenting your food nicely, making it look nice, rather than
Speaker:like slopping it out onto the plate.
Speaker:But actually, the first phase of digestion is Sometimes called the cephalic phase.
Speaker:It's actually engaging your brain and really getting your senses
Speaker:involved in the digestive process.
Speaker:The way this helps is that it's like encouraging our body to
Speaker:think, Oh yeah, food is coming.
Speaker:Okay, let's switch into digest mode.
Speaker:And that helps us to release our stomach acid and to try and get the
Speaker:motility regulated so that you try and minimize your digestive symptoms.
Speaker:So all you have to do is try and take three breaths.
Speaker:That's one of the first things we can do.
Speaker:Easily do.
Speaker:It's free, it doesn't take much time.
Speaker:You can take longer doing like a calming food meditation if you have
Speaker:the time and the space to do that, but just simply three simple breaths
Speaker:could be enough to start clicking out of that fight or flight mode.
Speaker:Something else which also really helps is to avoid distractions.
Speaker:This means turning off Netflix, stop scrolling your
Speaker:phone and put away your book.
Speaker:If you feel really Self conscious eating at a table on your own, then perhaps you
Speaker:could have a podcast on or a radio program or something that you can just listen to.
Speaker:But the idea is to really focus on the food rather than
Speaker:looking at something else.
Speaker:You've probably been in that sort of situation where you're just working and
Speaker:you're reaching for the crisps and then you reach again and they're all gone and
Speaker:you think, Oh, I ate them all and I didn't even notice I was eating them because
Speaker:they're just kind of mindlessly eating.
Speaker:Now, that is just eating, like I said, mindlessly rather than mindfully,
Speaker:so you want to try and avoid that by stopping too many distractions whilst
Speaker:you are in the middle of a meal.
Speaker:The next practical tip for you is to try and chew your food really, really well.
Speaker:This is about giving your body the best chance of breaking it up in a chemical.
Speaker:digestion way.
Speaker:So if you think about food coming in through your mouth, we've
Speaker:got various forms of mechanisms to break the food down.
Speaker:Firstly, we use our teeth to mash the food up in the mouth.
Speaker:It also gets mixed with saliva there.
Speaker:And some of the digestion of carbohydrates actually starts in the mouth, something
Speaker:called salivary amylase, which is like a digestive enzyme inside your saliva.
Speaker:So the longer you can chew your food.
Speaker:These enzymes actually will start to get to work and break the food down.
Speaker:If you wanna do a cool little experiment, you can try how long it takes for
Speaker:bread to taste sweet if you chew it and chew it and try it with some whole
Speaker:grain bread and some white bread.
Speaker:And normally the white bread could go to glucose quicker because it's actually
Speaker:a simple, more simple carbohydrate and it will be broken down quicker.
Speaker:You can try this with any kind of carbohydrate.
Speaker:It's like rice as well.
Speaker:And do a little experiment to see how long it takes your food to start tasting.
Speaker:And that is the.
Speaker:The point of chewing your food up really well though, is mostly about
Speaker:creating a larger surface area in order for the chemical digestion to happen
Speaker:as effectively as it can inside your stomach and then your small intestines.
Speaker:If you're swallowing big lumps of food, there's only going to be one
Speaker:surface area on that large lump.
Speaker:Whereas if you mash the food up really well, You're creating a larger surface
Speaker:area where the things like your stomach acid, digestive enzymes can get to
Speaker:work and start to break that food down in a chemical way to make the
Speaker:molecules small enough to be properly absorbed in your small intestine.
Speaker:There was some research thinking that we had to chew up our food about 30
Speaker:times before we could swallow it.
Speaker:And actually, this takes a very long time and it feels a lot like overkill.
Speaker:It's quite laborious.
Speaker:But it's a good experiment, again, to see how long it takes you to
Speaker:do this 30 chews and what it feels like to have food that's almost to
Speaker:a very baby ish food consistency, so very smooth with no big lumps.
Speaker:That's what you're aiming for.
Speaker:The other benefits to chewing...
Speaker:Really well is it just allows you to slow down in your meal times and you normally
Speaker:are able to better judge whether you've had Enough food if you eat more slowly
Speaker:whereas sometimes if you eat really fast, you can actually eat more than you need
Speaker:to because of the way that the chemical digestion, like, processes happen.
Speaker:So, when you eat things like protein and fats, you get chemical messages
Speaker:back from your gut to your brain to tell you that you've got these
Speaker:nutrients in and you, you know, you've had enough, you can stop eating.
Speaker:Whereas if you've eaten really, really fast, you could have already
Speaker:eaten more than you need to.
Speaker:The next little practical tip that I want to touch on is about sitting at the table.
Speaker:Not everyone does this and I think sitting away from the TV, sitting
Speaker:with the plate of food on the table and you're on a chair rather than the
Speaker:food, like, on your lap, it can really help your digestion to work better.
Speaker:And it can just really help you just sit upright, which
Speaker:also improves your digestion.
Speaker:Whilst we're talking about mindfulness, I thought it'd be also worth
Speaker:running through a little bit of information about getting too mindful.
Speaker:And I know that sounds a bit odd, but I think there's a real balance
Speaker:between tuning into our symptoms, tuning into what's going on.
Speaker:And also they're not ruminating too much on them because we also want to
Speaker:be able to eat without fear, without the worry that everything you eat is
Speaker:going to be causing some IBS nightmare.
Speaker:There's two words for this.
Speaker:One's interoception.
Speaker:That's like understanding your various body states and being aware of them.
Speaker:And also just like being aware of everything in your outside environment.
Speaker:So it's a balance between being aware of what's happening inside, but also not
Speaker:becoming obsessed or becoming too hyper focused on your symptoms and forgetting
Speaker:to bring your senses and your awareness to things that are outside your body.
Speaker:Which, I find people who have IBS, because it's so all consuming and can be so
Speaker:painful, so, you know, embarrassing, all of these things, you focus on it so much,
Speaker:that actually it's important to bring that mindfulness to other parts of your life.
Speaker:So whilst I'm saying yes, be mindful about eating, I'm also asking you
Speaker:here to be, I suppose, mindful about other things in your life.
Speaker:So it could be being mindful when you go for a walk, like you're
Speaker:walking your kids to school, you're getting a commute to work.
Speaker:You're just trying to bring a bit of awareness to the sensations of walking,
Speaker:you know, the feeling the rain on your skin, feeling your feet on the floor,
Speaker:like, maybe just bringing that mindfulness sensation to everyday things, not just
Speaker:to your digestion, because , that hyper focus can also start to Really create
Speaker:little patterns and tracks in your brain that are quite hard to break out of.
Speaker:And that's part of like feeling better is going to...
Speaker:Be able to break those thought patterns down so that you can have more normal
Speaker:thoughts about your digestion So sometimes little things that help with that is like
Speaker:little gratitude Practices like thinking about things that are good in your life
Speaker:and even focusing on things that are good in your body Despite having IBS.
Speaker:So thinking about yes I have got digestive issues and I can still enjoy my life or
Speaker:I can enjoy My life, and still feel this pain, and I can get on and do things, or
Speaker:other parts of my body are working really well, like, are my legs operating okay?
Speaker:I'm grateful for that.
Speaker:Now I know, it is all consuming, and I'm not saying, it's just as
Speaker:easy as saying, just forget about it, or just focus on something else.
Speaker:Because when you're in a lot of pain or you're feeling really uncomfortable,
Speaker:it's not easy to just switch off.
Speaker:But there's a part to mindfulness to trying to bring some of that hyperfocus to
Speaker:other parts of the whole body that we are.
Speaker:It's not just about your IBS.
Speaker:Your life is more than your IBS.
Speaker:So just to sum up this episode, we've talked about mindful eating, how to
Speaker:slow down, how to try to make time for your meals, and actually to chew your
Speaker:food really properly, make meals more of an experience where you are engaging
Speaker:your whole body, not just your mouth.
Speaker:And also then we talked about mindfulness and how you can Start to try and use
Speaker:that to focus less on your digestive symptoms and put them in a context of
Speaker:your entire life and your whole person.
Speaker:That's it for this episode.